terça-feira, 6 de julho de 2021

Notes on the ongoing fascist drift

1.   There are several types of households. And, it is these nuclei that constitute the true monads of social life.

·        The vast majority is threatened by the police intrusion of tax agencies, always pressured by governments to implement a growing fiscal penalty, using and abusing the possibility of digging through various databases in search of increased income from those who live on the income of the work. But less so from the so-called entrepreneurs because “they are the ones who create the jobs”, in a logic that emanates from the most reactionary skulls. It is the fiscal penalty, which is conveniently comprehensive regarding the inflows/outflows of capital to offshores.

·        In general, the overwhelming majority of family nuclei are threatened by the pressure of capitalists in conditioning the income from work, through unpaid overtime, the precariousness of work that leads to precariousness in life, the rising age for retirement, in a plan that it means less time out of work and more extended time on the job, with discounts[1]. It is the pressure of capital with the subservient cooperation of the political class, mandated and obedient.

·        All are threatened by the financial system which, capturing the apparatus of the State and the political classes, favours unbridled consumerism paid on credit or, anchored in mortgages, capable of generating brutal losses in the event of default. It is about the pressure of the financial system, as a rule slavishly carried out by governments, also highly dependent on credit.

2. There is an osmotic, promiscuous and servile relationship between the political classes and the dominant strata of the capitalists (large industry, services and the financial system); and, a hierarchy that includes the so-called PME's[2], the champions of tax evasion, with the benevolence of governments, knowing that without this flight, low wages and job insecurity, many of these PME's would not be viable. It is one more form of state support towards social harmonization, smoothing the sharpest edges.

The drive of governments are, as a rule, emanations from the political classes, in the sense of conditioning and the growing capture of income from the population; is the same drive that focuses on the idiocy of the infinite growth of GDP. This, however, is not the greatest drama of our times. More relevant is the apathy of the multitude of workers and former workers; the anchyloses of their traditional institutions (unions); which allows the existence and fattening of capitalists and political classes, through the insertion of capital in Ponzi pyramids, from of the creation of money, out of nothing, without any relation to the so-called “real economy”. Tolerance that generates apathy, the disconnect between disadvantaged human groups and the victims of the action of political and economic structures, constitutes the main cause of Humanity's dramas nowadays.

3. For those who place climate change as their first priority, we say that without the dismantling of the capitalist logic, climate change will continue to be just collateral damage, from the dominant point of view, of capital accumulation and political classes, with ecological groups childishly to believe that they can catechize the political classes, in parliamentary action, in the sense of a (chimerical) imposition on common capitalists and the financial system. The practice of ecological groups in the last fifty years has been to osmosis themselves with liberal, social-democratic or Trotskyist-Stalinist groups, whose withering is visible; together, there is nothing structural about their practices, just the underlining of a “there is no alternative ”. Claiming against the effects without trying to suppress the causes is a gross methodological and political error.

Given the occurrence of an acceleration of these           changes, a dilemma arises:

·         humans are able to manage the planet in a logic of satisfying their needs, living beings and the planet's balance, which requires the abolition of the logic of capital accumulation that, by nature, focuses on endless growth;

·        or, the capitalists and their political officials proceed to a segmentation of the human herd between the useful members to the accumulation and the negligent ones, whose number must be reduced through diseases, reduction of the birth rate and of the longevity. A process that excites technologists and capitalists, with the replacement of human beings by robots.

4. However, the costs of capitalism's damages are transferred to the States, to be paid by an ever-increasing tax burden, which is particularly burdensome on labour income. The typical intra-capitalist competition requires the presence of increasingly lethal military forces, priority users of technologies with enormous power of confinement or destruction; and, with the promotion of nationalist and racist particularisms, old and excellent instruments for dividing the human herd.

The aforementioned apathy combines with the constant flood of media rubbish from television stations, the written press and digital platforms that, magnanimous, freely dump fantasies, lies and imbecilities at the disposal of all. This immense mass of data, under the name of information, serves for the construction and measurement of the state of mind of the large, inorganic masses of people, for the adoption of practices, ideologies, consumptions and social habits, leading to a collective alienation of the crowd that, in turn, ensures “the business must go on ”. In earlier times (in Europe) alienation stemmed from the narratives surrounding the figure of a vigilant named Jesus, imposed by temporal power and by the great mass of ecclesiastics. Can data used for manipulation purposes be called information?

Apathy incorporates, as genetics, the idea of ​​defending the homeland[3] and allows the daydreams with which the political classes finance military institutions; this incorporation can manifest itself in the trivialization of a culture of acceptance of violence and war, taken with natural elements for resolving differences, whether on the battlefield or in street demonstrations, in the silent violence of the workplace and residence. This apathy flattens, for example, domestic violence, taken as something with strong roots in society and, therefore, trivialized, as the subordination of women.

5. The nationalist idea fosters antagonisms between people who are not at all conflicting with each other, who do not even know each other, but only because they focus on different coloured cloths waving in the wind, if not on racist prejudices. Nationalism is a gift that is offered to the powerful and politicians of a country to legally and therefore, with impunity, demand resources and sacrifices from the population; putting immigrants in the background, in terms of rights and income, in a racist, exclusionary and cowardly attitude. Dividing and ruling is a practice with millennia of practice.

6.   The anchoring of family income and economic life in general is evident in the opaque activity of the financial system, whose databases allow for an almost nudity in people's everyday lives; the next abolition of physical money will be a giant step towards the lechery and control of each human being or by the financial system, in partnership with the “operationals” who show their face – the political classes. I partiti politici si dividono in grandi e piccoli. I grandi mentono e rubano. I piccolli desiderano sopprattutto di crescere (E. de Straznik).

7. The ideological defilement is permanent and overwhelming. In schools and universities, utilitarianism prevails, contempt for the social sciences, which have become instruments of social domestication or instruments of value generation, which, obviously, will essentially accumulate in the capitalists' patrimony. Is it by chance that economics taught at universities is essentially a technical discipline, with a lot of GDP, profit, supply, demand, competitiveness, value creation, entrepreneurship and the like? The interest of capitalists in introducing themselves into economic education aims to train agents of capital who, taking into account the cost of fees, privilege the offspring of capitalists, naturally nullifying this possibility among young people from the middle and lower classes of the population who, according to “modern” political regimes, they should be limited to their economic and social subordination. The time of the stairwell universities that honored figures of the Portuguese intelligentsia, such as Relvas, Passos, Sócrates or Vara, seems to have passed.

8.  The credit chains, involving States, families, companies, duly monitored by central banks and by the voluptuousness of stock exchanges, they are consistent with the infinite growth of GDP, as an inexhaustible source of enrichment for capitalists, with the intrusion and monitoring of the so-called “big date”. Conversely, the families, they are faced with huge debts for the use of a house, with high risks in terms of unemployment, increases in the tax burden and prices defined by oligopolies (fuels, banking services, transport, supermarkets, telecommunications). The tare of infinite GDP growth constitutes the usual engine of the diaphanous unreality that enriches the rich, on the one hand, and fosters huge pockets of poverty absolute or relative among workers, pensioners, and the unemployed. Recently, the frightening and impoverishing contribution of COVID-19 has strongly increased the autocratic and repressive power of the state apparatus, to the precariousness of work, to the confinement required by telework and, consequently, to the fragility of the poorest people's lives.

  1. It is clear that companies and capitalists also contribute to fiscal punishment, but their relationship with the state apparatus is much more promiscuous and varied; there is tax evasion, subsidies, legislative support and, above all, a real possibility of raising prices, reducing costs, contracting debt and obtaining subsidies or tax deductions from the State.

At the top of the state apparatus are the various strains of the political class, much more equal than diversified; and, always complainants lack of financial resources by pressing the plebs towards increasing revenue tax and expenditure restraint public social character; hence, as a rule, increases in taxes and public debt.

The divorce between those who live on income from work and the State is evident; their interests are antagonistic or, if the capitalist state, is not an enormous abscess in the life of communities.

10.  The exclusions and dormancy in which most peoples of the world live facilitate the authoritarian and fascist impulses on the part of governments that, if necessary, will make use of heavily armed police officers and indoctrinated in canine obedience to … attack with water cannons, sticks, humanized dogs to attack people, if not rubber or real bullets that always accidentally injure or kill protesters; as it was frequent in the demonstrations of the French Gillets Jaunes.

The surveillance of each person's movements and opinions is potentially carried out through numerous channels - landline or mobile telephone network - the so-called “social” networks where imbecilities predominate but under the scrutiny of big data and the police, whenever If necessary, they can carry out specific queries to identify “dangerous” ideas. This happens while the courts are proving to be bottomless pits where cases of scams and corruption involving people of the political class and media entrepreneurs are in a state of dormancy.  Recently, fourteen members of the gang in government functions (PS) issued, with pomp and circumstance, a Portuguese Charter on Human Rights in the Digital Age that was identified as “belonging to the family of censorship”

The media, little differentiated, highly concentrated in the hands of financial or advertising groups, clearly practice an erasure of ideas that are unfriendly to power; and, to present a democratic facade, they promote one or another, allegedly left-wing, commentator.

11. The dominant representation model shows a substitute monarch to symbolize the homeland and which is called the President of the Republic, although there are cases in Europe in which folklore is carried out by a king. They are individuals at the end of their careers, walking in procession through the territory or, in presidential regimes, individuals duly trained in the management of the interests of the powerful.

Elections for parliaments usually fall to individuals belonging to institutions – the parties – which are divided into two large groups.

·          The most relevant group is those who manage the State apparatus, in an osmotic relationship with the capitalists, the financial system or, members of cavernous entities such as law firms, specialized in influence peddling; they will also benefit from permissive, dubious legislation, cumbersome and ineffective judicial systems;

·          The minority group is that of deputies who are the protagonists of the opposition and the media animation that aims to attract the (scarce) assistant people.

The two groups have in common their presentation as interpreters and caretakers of popular interests, even if they do not comply with the basic rule of representation that the decision rests with the represented and not the representative.

12.  To finish, and taking advantage of the next electoral carnival, of a municipal character, we add some notes that intend to show what is a representation and a democratic decision : and, what is the totalitarian manoeuver that constitutes the DNA of the party sects:

·          The decisions on the collective needs are taken by its direct stakeholders (the population) in line with their elected and, not emanating from supporters directories;

·    The election is aimed at individuals, at the local/regional/national level, through their own initiative applications. Thus, there are no applications in the form of lists. The elected will have to harmonize, collectively, for the decision;

·          Limitation of the number of mandates (maximum of two or three). The exercise of political functions, of representation, is not a way of life but a duty of citizenship. It is intended to avoid the encystment of political classes;

·          Possibility of termination by referendum, of mandates on the initiative of voters, of the same geographical framework in which the election was carried out;

·          Opening and facilitating referendums by decision of the political structures or of the population inserted in the same geographical framework;

·          Total absence of perks and immunities for all those who hold positions representing the population; and, an aggravated criminal framework without prescription, for cases of corruption;

·         The staff of the Public administration and the judiciary are technical structures, independent of the various levels of government action;

·      The government consists of the elected representatives for RA and , as such , may be dismissed, of these functions under parliamentary decision or have the mandate as a deputy impeached, by popular referendum.

·       Free and easy access to all files and decisions of public bodies

·   Judgement of corrupt and mismanagement acts that have taken place in the last 25 years

 This and other documents, here:




[1] In Portugal, this innovation was carried out by two PS entities; such Vieira da Silva, a former minister who retired and Pedro Marques, his subordinate and executor of this innovation about fifteen years ago, currently to accumulate political weight in the European Parliament.

[2] The concepts of nationality and patriotism emerged with capitalism , when the bourgeoisie found it useful to define a territory and a population as their own, excluding all those who were outside the borders, subject to very tight control. In the U E , the creation of a global market suffered a setback with the use of covid-19 to confine and impoverish populations and make even more precarious employment and access to regular income, even if meager.

Still on patriotism, note the competitive and excluding commitment of international football championships. Perhaps one day the mobs' winning eagerness will slide into the demand for a degree of violence like the one well portrayed in the movie Rollerball (2002).


[1] In Portugal, this innovation was carried out by two PS entities; such Vieira da Silva, a former minister who retired and Pedro Marques, his subordinate and executor of this innovation about fifteen years ago, currently to accumulate political weight in the European Parliament.

[2] PME – Pequenas e Médias Empresas (Small and Median Compamies)

[3] The concepts of nationality and patriotism emerged with capitalism , when the bourgeoisie found it useful to define a territory and a population as their own, excluding all those who were outside the borders, subject to very tight control. In the U E , the creation of a global market suffered a setback with the use of covid-19 to confine and impoverish populations and make even more precarious employment and access to regular income, even if meager.


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